
The Backup Buddy mental health and wellbeing app is designed to help with mental, physical, social, and financial health and also provides content relating to positive and supportive leadership. It covers topics such as bereavement, trauma, menopause, child wellbeing, physical exercise, diet, sleep, and much more. All written to be easily accessible with practical tips and signposting to good support.

Download Backup Buddy Mobile Phone App …

Fire & Rescue:

HWFRS – [Hereford & Worcester Fire and Rescue Service] (extended Wellbeing version)Android or iPhone


British Transport (extended Wellbeing version)Android or iPhone

CheshireAndroid or iPhone

Cumbria: Android or iPhone

Nottinghamshire (extended Wellbeing version)Android or iPhone

North Yorkshire (extended Wellbeing version)Android or iPhone

South Yorkshire (extended Wellbeing version)Android or iPhone

Sussex & Surrey (extended Wellbeing version)Android or iPhone

West MidlandsAndroid or iPhone

West MerciaAndroid or iPhone

States of Jersey PoliceAndroid or iPhone


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5 Star Reviews!

Backup Buddy has been extremely well received and some users kindly have left great reviews:

This is an extremely valuable resource and hopefully colleagues will take advantage of the support available.

Patrick ✭✭✭✭✭

Fantastic app, fantastic support what else do you need.

Billy ✭✭✭✭✭

Easy to use with great info & stories you can relate to!

Danny  ✭✭✭✭✭

This app is great. Easy to use with good links to supportive information

Tink – ✭✭✭✭✭